Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Power of Focus

Read: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Manny Pacquiao was a very focused man. The pride of Filipinos everywhere, Manny’s boxing success has made him a hero. I watched as he was waiting to be introduced. He continued to practice appropriate maneuvers, focused on his nearby opponent. He danced about, throwing punches, ducking blows, doing everything he could to sharpen his senses and moves for the real bout to come.

Once the boxing match started, Manny became the challenger. His opponent had lots of experience and successes in the past. But, this bout was different. Manny soon gained the upper hand and eventually defeated Miguel Cotto. Manny looked much quicker and better prepared. This became very evident by the fourth round. His promoter, Bob Arum considers Manny the best fighter that he has ever seen. Mark Kriegel of FoxSports.com says that “There’s never been a bigger little man!”

Like Manny Pacquiao, followers of Jesus need to be prepared for a battle. This is a spiritual battle involving an enemy that aims for the knockout blow! Sounding like a boxer, the Apostle Paul tells disciples of Jesus at the Greek city of Corinth:

“…I do not fight like a man beating the air.

No, I beat (discipline) my body and make it my slave so that

After I have preached to others,

I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” (1 Corinthians 9:26b-27)

Let us examine our hearts and discern our own motives. Let us beware of carelessness and laziness. Self-control of your thought life, feelings and actions is essential to live in victory over an enemy – Satan and his forces – whom you cannot physically see. Paul’s words of warning to Jesus’ followers at Ephesus are so relevant to us today:

“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against

the devil’s schemes.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but …

against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:11-12)

Practice your boxing skills by regular meditation on God’s word, fervent praying, continual praise of God, and active engagement with others in communicating God’s gift of eternal life. In all of this, live by faith and seek deeper intimacy with God as you grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus, our coming victorious King!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Flying Lessons on WestJet

Read: Ephesians 2:1-10

It started out as a routine trip as the plane rolled along the runway. In the usual manner, the pilot directs the plane to V2 speed – the point at which lift-off from the runway needs to happen. As we lifted off solid ground, the lower air turbulence almost immediately began to shake the plane. I don’t remember ever experiencing turbulence like that so close to the ground. The cross-winds were strong at Edmonton airport and pummeled the plane, causing it to lurch side-ways as we climbed.

In such opposition and turbulence, the solution was to keep on climbing until we reached cruising altitude at 40,000 feet. Once we arrived on the higher level, flying became more enjoyable and our plane made consistently smooth progress all the way to our destination. This experience reminded me of the spiritual life that God calls each of us to live.

In the first century, Christian believers (in the Ephesus region of what is now Turkey) were reminded of the sinful turbulence in “lower level” living. As real followers of Jesus, they now had the power to break through lower turbulence and climb to a higher level in Christ. Speaking of lower level turbulence caused by sin, the Ephesians Christians were told:

“You used to live just like the rest of the world, full of sin, obeying Satan, the…prince of the power of the air. He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God.” (Ephesians 2:2, NLT)

When you encounter Satan’s strong winds, there is a choice. You can either choose to stay grounded or you can keep your eyes on Jesus and let Him lift you up to a higher level. If you listen to the desires of your body, you will be tempted to quit, to give up. But, if you are a true follower of Jesus, then remember what God has given you. He has given you a whole quality of life and the enabling grace, power to persevere through this world’s sinful cross-winds and reach cruising altitude in Christ.

Remember that God is so rich in mercy, and He loved us so very much…For He raised us from the dead along with Christ, and we are seated with Him in the heavenly realms – all because we are one with Christ.” (Eph. 2:4a, 6, NLT)

If you have chosen to fly with Christ to a higher level, keep on living, practicing what you are – a chosen son or daughter of God. Continue to grow in your faith and relationship with God. As you do, you will experience more of the fruit living beyond the sinful lower level and demonstrate more of the results of living on the higher level in Christ. As a pilot completes his check list, so be sure to consider your check list – that is the real cost of following Jesus to this higher level of eternal life. Are you ready to go all the way?

Follow God’s flying lessons and trust Him to accomplish all the wonderful blessings that He has planned for you (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Talk to Him!

The written instructions from my wife Sandra were unmistakably clear. She was about to leave for a week of visiting with her mother. Before she left, she wrote out a list of things regarding care of our little dog, Teddy. She knows that I tend to get busy with my plans and often ignore him in the process. After listing the items such as feeding and walking him, she printed the words in BIG letters so that I could not miss this last instruction: “TALK TO HIM!”

Like people, dogs get lonely, stressed out and in need of consistently healthy affirmation. Our dog needed to know that I cared about him. An affirmed dog who receives the expressed love of his owner is a healthier dog. For a couple of days after Sandra left, Teddy ate very little food. He missed her encouraging words. Therefore, I determined to follow my instructions – especially that last part. So, I talked to him!

The Bible has much to say about the need for us to talk to one another for the purpose of encouragement and personal growth. Our physical, mental and emotional health depends on our receiving verbal spiritually encouraging words. Yet, we get so busy with our plans. Even in churches, many lonely, stressed individuals come and go without anyone talking meaningfully with them. They are starved for affirmation. Like our Teddy, it can even disrupt their appetite and performance.

I am not talking about empty shallow words without real substance. The words of which I speak are best summarized in the words of Paul, the apostle to Christians disciples in the Greek city of Philippi:

Whatever happens, dear brothers and sisters, may the Lord give you joy.

I never get tired of telling you this.

I am doing this for your own good.” (Philippians 3:1, NLT)

Whenever you are in a group or assembly of any kind, resist the temptation to stay talking with your friends. Break out of that routine and verbally connect with that other person. Your friends will be there. But, you may never see the other person again – even in the church. TALK TO HIM! TALK TO HER!

Even if you don’t feel like doing this, do it for the good of the other person (Philippians 3:1). Act on this and you will begin to develop the “mind” of Jesus Christ in you:

“You know how full of love and kindness our Lord Jesus was. Though He was very rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by His poverty he could make you rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9, NLT)

So, talk to him or her. Break out of your own busy schedule and mindset. Talk affirmation to someone near you today – making them “rich” in the blessings of God.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Open Trails!

Read: Colossians 4:17; Galatians 6:7-10

Hiking trails are everywhere today! When I returned to my home town area, signs of trails for hiking, walking, and exploring were obvious and enticing. It takes persistence in a clear plan and much hard work to maintain a trail. Trees, bushes and plants of many kinds can quickly overtake a path and block or hinder the progress of walkers/hikers. For me, it’s a joy and great inspiration to walk a trail. It strengthens my body; renews my mind and refreshes my spirit.

Therefore, it was with great anticipation and excitement that I retraced a well- worn trail established from my growing up years. To my shock and dismay, this trail leading to a summit with great ocean views is now largely blocked by plants and thorns and, in the summer, stinging insects. Since I knew about the view on top, I pushed my way forward, and after much perspiration, body cuts and scrapes, arrival at the summit was achieved. But, returning to the base of the path and the main road proved to be more difficult than climbing up because I lost sight of any evidence of the trail in the now thick undergrowth. If only others in town would again hike the trail and blaze the path, it would have been much better for me to make progress.

Another trail in the same area had been built and maintained for a short period of time. But, sadly, the people who built it no longer maintain it –another example of a work not completed, a trail not maintained. It seems that people now prefer the popular well travelled easy road. In the Bible, there is a short but powerful verse – a reminder to each of us that God has a wonderful work assigned. The key is to complete that work.

Tell Archippus: See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord.” (Colossians 4:17, NIV)

God calls us to complete the work that He has assigned to us. It may be easier to start a work but it takes our total commitment to the Lord and a willingness to persist and persevere to the very end. “Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)

Each of us is called to demonstrate the trail to Jesus by the way we live, the thoughts we think and the actions we take. By this can others see the direction to take and the decision to make in receiving eternal life and entering God’s eternal family They need to see the clear path or trail to Jesus! God has given you a work to accomplish (Ephesians 2:10). By your daily walk with God, you will open a glorious trail to Jesus for others to follow. So, complete your work and keep your ‘trail’ open!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Moose Alert

Bible Reading: Hebrews 3:12-13

As darkness approached, our eyes strained to detect unusual movements by the side of the highway. This was Newfoundland – the location of a recent trip taken by Sandra and myself. The scenery, people and experiences were really enjoyable. However, along with great scenery came the constant warning to always stay alert for that huge wild animal known as the moose. They are very numerous in the province, hard to see, especially at night, and can easily result in destruction to car and occupants if hit on the road at high speed. Moose can dart into the middle of the road in a second without warning. Unlike other wildlife, they are not easily spooked by a vehicle.

We were traveling along the highway one evening with my cousin and his wife. Unlike me, my cousin Terry is used to these roads and has vast experience watching for and seeing moose as he drives. I strained to find a moose which might be lurking in the woods and bushes near the road. But, I failed to see even one. Each time on the trip that we did see a moose, it was cousin Terry who saw the moose and alerted us. One moose appeared within one meter of our vehicle! Terry has sharpened his peripheral vision to detect any sign of a moose along both sides of the road. His experience now protects him from danger and enables him to avoid accidents far better than most drivers.

This recent experience with a moose reminded me of how sin can act like a moose in my life. To paraphrase God’s words to Cain, sin is crouching at my door (Genesis 4:7). In its various forms, it can easily ambush me from the side “bushes” in my life. Wrong thoughts, attitudes, desires and influences can spring up into my vision without warning. Like the warning for moose, the warning from God about various forms of sin is designed to literally save our lives. One “sin alert” for us is found in Hebrews 3: 12-13:

“Be careful then, dear brothers and sisters. Make sure that your own hearts are not evil and unbelieving, turning you away from the living God. You must warn each other as long as it is called “today”, so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God.” (NLT)

The above words remind me of how little prepared I have been to “see” the sin of a wrong thought or attitude crouching at me from the sidelines. I intend to sharpen my alertness to sin so that I can keep making progress on the highway of life and warn others when I detect danger about to pounce on them. Sin alertness is far more necessary and much more useful for you and me than even the advice about moose. In this way, we benefit for now and eternity; help others in the process and accomplish God’s purpose for us in this world.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mountain Mission

Read: Hebrews 10:19-25

The mountain looked enticing and yet challenging as I considered climbing it with my oldest son and daughter-in-law. On our recent short trip to western Montana, we took time to explore the state capital of Helena and area. One of the best experiences for me was the experience of climbing Mount Helena at an elevation of a little less than 6,000 feet above sea level. Several routes were possible, but I followed the others up the steepest path. At first, it felt good with not much effort required. But, the higher we climbed, the more my lungs gasped for more air. At several points in route, I wanted to end the climb and return.

However, I made it all the way to the mountain top due to three essential factors – factors that are just as essential in completing the mission that God gives to each serious disciple of Jesus. First, my mind was deeply focused on the incredible view that I would experience at the top. This beautiful little city set in its spectacular mountain valley was worth seeing in its entirety – I simply could not miss this opportunity! Second, when my determination wavered, my two family members were there to encourage and inspire me to continue – with words like: “We’re almost there!” The last few yards were the most difficult especially since it felt like we could fall over the edge and the sharp drop-off. Third, the reward we experienced included a most heavenly view, surprising wildlife and a local family of climbers who welcomed us, especially for taking the most difficult path and completing the task.

It reminded me of the mission of God in which each of us is called to be a passionate participant. In the context of the Bible verses mentioned above, a community of Hebrew Christian believers was showing signs of straying away from their commitment to Jesus and wanting to return to the more legalistic system of laws from which they had been delivered. Their spiritual journey of ‘climbing higher’ in Christ was proving to be more challenging as they progressed in their daily walk with God. Some wanted to turn back.

The author of Hebrews encouraged them to complete the spiritual climb for God – allowing God to complete His divine mission in them.

“….Since we have confidence to enter the most holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way…, let us draw near to God…” (Hebrews 10:19, 20a, 22a)

“Drawing near to God” is a life-long climb until we reach the top (our heavenly home) with God (Psalm 84:7) and experience fully the sheer joy being like Jesus (Romans 8:29). There will always be times in this life when you feel like giving up the climb to spiritual maturity but that is when our family in the local church needs to be there to encourage and inspire us forward – reminding us to keep climbing and reminding us that we are “almost there”. This is what the author of Hebrews meant when he said: “Let is consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit if doing, but let us ENCOURAGE one another…” (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Are we ready to climb? We can reach the top for God if we do it together!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fragrance in the Garden

Read 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 and Philippians 4: 14-20

From a distance, the “wild” flower bed in our back yard looks beautiful. Now, looks can be deceiving – especially if you are looking for fragrant flowers! On closer inspection, I discovered that many of the flowers planted by Sandra had no significant smell. However, hidden in the maze of colorful flowers, there are bunches of brilliant orange flowers which projected a mild, sweet-smelling fragrance.

The contrast in the garden is also found in life. There are persons who live a colorful life and project a bright – perhaps dazzling – outward image. But, such an image may conceal unattractive qualities that repel rather than attract others. Then, there are persons who have made the conscious decision to choose a life of following Christ as Savior and director of their lives. Like the orange flowers in our garden, they reveal bright colors with a difference – a sweet fragrance that attracts. In this case, the attraction is the inward beauty and fragrant of Jesus. To first century Christians, the Apostle Paul wrote:

“…for we are to God the aroma [or fragrance] of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” (2 Corinthians 2:15)

The word for fragrance a sweet smelling aroma is especially linked with an offering that is pleasing and acceptable to God. Philippians 4:18 is a reminder that those believers who honor God by giving generously to meet genuine needs are ultimately presenting a fragrant sweet smelling offering to God. It is acceptable to God. The result can then be the attraction of others to faith in Jesus because of the sweet fragrance of Christ in our lives and actions.

What are you offering to God? What are you communicating to others around you? Does your life emit a sweet smelling fragrance that draws others to consider the Savior that you profess?

Reflect: Are you just a bright flower or do you stand out with distinction as you give out the aroma of Jesus to those who genuinely need Him today? Start by imitating the One whose life is the supreme example of a fragrant offering.

“Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Ephesians 5:1-2)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Living like a Butterfly

Read: 2 Corinthians 5:17; Colossians 3:15-17

The butterfly is nature’s most visible illustration of rebirth.

Once drab and earthbound as a caterpillar, the butterfly

emerges from its cocoon in beautiful radiant colors, soaring

upward into the sky.

Charles Colson introduced his own spiritual rebirth with the above words. Think of it. If you looked intently on a caterpillar, you would never expect that this lowly crawler would soon be transformed to soar up to new heights and brighten our world with the amazing colors that emanate from the creative mind of God!

You may find yourself usually thinking about very ordinary earthbound things at this moment. But, the Bible says that God has a plan for you – not to struggle like a caterpillar in the striving for fulfillment in daily existence but to soar like the butterfly. God wants you to realize that when you place your complete trust in Jesus for salvation, life, and lasting peace, you receive the ability and the right to live as a citizen of Heaven (Philippians 3:20).

In this constantly changing world, you should dare to be different. Don’t let the perception of society and popular culture keep you grounded. Fix your eyes on God and live on a higher level like the butterfly. Draw upon the amazing grace of God and keep asking God to help you see His Divine perspective on everything. God is the God of new beginnings – a creator of beauty. Spread your wings and show colors of His radiant grace to the world.

…if anyone is in (Jesus) Christ, he (or she) is a new creation

the old has gone , the new has come. All this is from God…

(2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV)

Spread your wings and fly (live) above ordinary circumstances. Don’t focus on the economy. Enter into the intimate presence of God and rejoice in God regardless of what comes your way any day. This is exactly how a Hebrew prophet, Habakkuk responded to the economic, social and spiritual conditions of his time (Habakkuk 3:17-18). Imitate him and view your world from above, like a butterfly.

Nibbling Friends: The Fish Effect

Read Proverbs 27:1-10

What would you expect if you entered a nail salon or spa? Well, customers discovered that one salon owner was willing to go to very creative lengths to increase his customer base in a challenging economic environment. The owner of L.A. Nails in Winnipeg has started offering fish treatments for the feet of is customers. Willing customers can now put their feet in a tank filled with water and about 200 minnow sized carp fish called “garra rufa”. According to Carolyn Vesely of the Winnipeg Free Press, these tiny fish “…dig in like teenagers at an all-you-can-eat buffet, gorging on the dead skin on your heels and toes, including the bits on your little ‘piggies’ and the hardened cuticles around your nails.” Once the tickling sensation subsides, the customers apparently feel better not only in their feet but in their whole body. An information sheet given to customers says that these little fish can not only clean away dead tissue on your feet but “…their powerful lips can stimulate acupuncture points and clear blocked pores to promote circulation of blood and energy.”

This story reminds me of the “friend effect.” Like the garra rufa fish, a real friend will not abandon you but will “nibble away “at unwanted ideas, attitudes and destructive habits in your life. He or she will be willing to do this until the “dead skin” in your life is recognized by you and then removed or rejected until you are clean before God. God freely works in and through those who are hungry to be healthy and pure in heart.

Proverbs 27:6 (NIV) begins with these words: “Wounds of a friend can be trusted.” Like the tiny fish, a true friend can be trusted to puncture a hole in your inflated pride or chip away at your selfish attitude. Such a friend does this in a way that will honor God and truly help you in the long term. You also need to be such a friend to others. It’s the fish effect – it will make you uncomfortable at first but prove to be so beneficial in the long term.

How can you be such a friend to someone in our church or in your neighborhood? Be sure that you are prepared to act God’s way:

Ø Be faithful – as a friend who “…sticks closer than a brother” (Prov.18:24) and “…loves at all times” (Prov.17:17).

Ø Be Honest – as a friend who encourages him or her in seeing and accepting what needs to change (Prov.27:6).

Ø Be Tactful – as a friend who is sensitive to the feelings and needs of the others, such as Jonathan who “…helped David find strength in God” (1 Samuel 23:16).

Ø Be Motivating – seek to challenge the other person so that they will grow in Christ “…as iron sharpens iron, so one (friend) sharpens another” (Prov. 27:17)

Are you willing to be such a friend? Do you have such a friend? It starts with you willing to first be such a friend to another. Then, God will bring such a friend for you.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Stopping Duke, Embracing God

Read: Psalm 1:1; Psalm 91

He is a big strongly built dog whose “home” is on a Vancouver Island aboriginal reserve. During the night, he leaves the reserve and, drawing other wild dogs with him, targets flocks of helpless sheep in the scenic Cowichan valley. Vancouver Province reporter Ethan Baron’s report was published recently in the Edmonton Journal. Farmers are furious with this massive wild American bulldog which is killing so many of their sheep.

Apparently, Duke was a more behaved dog when he was owned by a couple on the reserve. However, when the couple left their house after their marriage break-up, the approximately 50 kilogram dog was left to roam wild. A dog without any controls can be a very dangerous animal.

But, the same is true of a human being. Any person who refuses the discipline of God becomes a slave to sin (Romans 6:12). In the Bible, one definition of sin is lawlessness. That’s why Psalm 1:1 warns us to “…not walk in the counsel of the wicked”. The Bible defines the wicked as those who, like the dogs led by Duke, run wild in opposition to God and cause much destruction in the lives of others. Writing to Timothy in first century A.D., the apostle Paul warned of wild people who refuse to live under the discipline and direction of God:

People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, unholy, without love, unforgiving…without self-control, brutal….lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. …..Have nothing to do with them (2 Timothy 3:2-5, NIV).

So then, how do you stop other persons who act and live like the wild dog, Duke? You do it by embracing God. God offers you the choice – live wild and lose His blessings OR intentionally choose to place yourself in His everlasting arms through full trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Start each day with this thoughtful, deliberate choice.

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High (God)

Will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

This I declare of the Lord:

He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;

He is my God and I AMTRUSTING HIM

For He will protect you from every trap…

The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me.

I will protect those who trust in my name”. (Psalm 91:1-3a, 14, NLT)

Reflect: There are “Dukes” all around you – some of them disguised in religious actions or pious smiles. Pray through Psalm 91 and stop uncontrolled evil by asking Christ to deeply encourage others through you. Pray through Psalm 91.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Living in Spagetti Junction

Modern expressways or highways in our major cities can be very confusing and overwhelming – especially to those who may just be visiting in the area. One such series of highways exists in Atlanta, Georgia. A series of different roads are built in a spiraling fashion, one route on top of the other. Different roads then fan out like long strands of overlapping spaghetti. That is why the term “spaghetti junction” is used to describe the arrangement. The series of expressways in the Atlanta location has been called one of the “worst” – not only because it can be confusing but also due to ice and slippery conditions in the winter. A driver would have to make an instant decision as to where to go and what to do.

Even as I write these words, there are many people who are busy constructing another spaghetti junction. They are spreading the idea that there are many different ways to salvation and to peace with God. Those persons have relegated Jesus to being just an ordinary good man who is only one of many ways to God. Nothing could be further from the truth. Anyone who is struggling in their faith has to carefully navigate their way through beliefs and ideas of many religions that may look good at a distance but which ultimately result in a dead end. I was shocked to hear recently that almost half (47%) of professing evangelicals in American churches believe that Jesus is not the only way to God (reported by Pew Forum, in Christianity Today). Even some church leaders have been found to be indulging in other religions according to this same report!

Make no mistake. Jesus is the only way of salvation – the only way to heaven and to peace with God. Saturate your mind with the unchanging truth of the word of God. As we approach Easter, more of these false ideas and beliefs are forced into the open in our public realm. So, beware and stand firm on the certain truth about Jesus in the word of God, the Bible. Consider these verses:

Ø (Jesus said) “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to (God) the Father except through me.”( John 14:6)

Ø Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under Heaven given to (us) by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

Ø “…Each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor. 3:10a-11)

Jesus is the only source of fulfillment for us:

> …Jesus declared,” I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6:35)

Jesus is our ONLY source of truth and life:

Ø Simon Peter answered Him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.’”(John 6:68)

Ø “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

Ø Remember – salvation and eternal life are not found in following a religion but in experiencing by faith an intimate love relationship with the person of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Therapy for a Noisy Mind

Read: Psalm 37

He looked like a normal healthy tall young man who exercises alongside me and others in the gym. When I asked him about his job, he replied that he did not have a full time job. He has a part-time job and he has disability status. One problem for him was that his mind became filled with conflicting voices. He suffered from a noisy mind.

I was reminded of this person after recently experiencing a “dry” period in my relationship with God. After following my daily pattern of Bible study, meditation and journaling, I missed hearing a specific word or insight from the Lord. As I reflected on this, God impressed on me that my mind was becoming too “noisy”. I was so busy doing work in God’s name that I failed to practice the discipline of stillness – waiting sufficiently on God to receive what He has for me at any given time.

Pastors, Christian leaders, and many Christians in all churches sometimes have a difficult time in sleeping because their minds are racing and noisy. When I experience this problem, I like to read precious sections of God’s word such as Psalm 37. Please take time to read all of it in a prayerful, willing spirit. This Psalm especially speaks to me of God who comes alongside in a warm intimate way to those who intentionally seek to wait on Him. In this Psalm, King David expressed symptoms of a noisy mind – distracted and filled with thoughts of urgency, worry, and frustration. He was deeply disturbed by the lives and actions of sinful arrogant people.

Moved by the Holy Spirit of God, David realized the appropriate therapy for his noisy distracted mind. This therapy is intended by God for us as well:

  • Trust in the Lord as you seek to daily do His will (Psalm 37:3, 5-6).
  • Delight in the Lord. Praise Him. Rejoice – reflect on His glorious heart and nature. “Take delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart’s desires.” (v.4, NLT)
  • Be still and make time to actively wait before God. Review promises in this Psalm; keep seeking Him and His will for you at this time. Recall that He is always in control as the eternal God who cares deeply for you.

Be still in the presence of the Lord

and wait patiently for Him to act…

The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord.

He delights in EVERY DETAIL of their lives.” (Psalm 37:7a, 23, NLT)

  • Wait and go at the same time. There is a time to wait and be still in one geographical place. But, there are other times that you need to get moving and act in obedience to God (see God’s response to Joshua in Joshua 7:10). As the old song says “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus.” As you act in response to what God reveals to you, He will help your mind to arise in Him and dispel those unhealthy noises.

“Don’t be impatient for the Lord to act!

Travel steadily along His path.

He will honor you, giving you the land.” (Psalm 37:34a)

Discovering Your Orginal Purpose

Read: Philippians 2:12-16

The situation is urgent. The health of the patient is very important. The doctor and his assistants are working diligently as they strain to see the necessary details of the operation under the flickering candle light. It is not easy. Surely, there has to be a better way to operate in such critical conditions. Bridges for Peace recently reported on a unique solution.

To the rescue comes “A Jewish Heart for Africa”. This non-government agency was founded by a young Jewish woman, Sivan Achor-Borowich to help provide light for African medical clinics. Raising money in the United States and using Israeli technology, her organization has assembled solar panels in Africa, using the power of the sun during the long African days. Now, solar panels light up the clinic and also provide light outside the clinic so patients can now arrive at night. The solar panels also power refrigerators to store and preserve the medicines.

This provision of physical light from Israel is a reminder of God’s intention for Jerusalem and Israel – to be a light to the nations for God.

Arise, shine, for your light has come,

and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

…Nations will come to your light

and kings to the brightness of your dawn. (Isaiah 60:1, 3)

In this new millennium, God has enabled His original chosen nation to develop an amazing array of inventions that will have far reaching effects on the health and needs of people all over the world. It is another reminder that God first created the Jews out of Abraham and his descendants to actually be a channel of his blessing and life giving light to the world.

But, God has also reached out in amazing grace through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to us. To those of us who have heeded His call and received Jesus as Savior, He has given the role of “light givers”! Like the physical help of light to those in Africa, so we ought to constantly provide the light of Jesus Christ to those who stumble around in spiritual darkness. They, too, need to find their way to Jesus. Many of them live next door to you and me.

Do you see how God is working around you? Are you beginning to adjust your attitude and life so that you can allow God to work through you? Even though it is God’s work to change the heart of a person, you are called to live out the light of Christ in you! This is God’s purpose for you. What a privilege! What a joy to live according to your God-given purpose!

…It is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good

purpose. Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you

may be blameless and pure, children of God in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine as stars in the universe as you hold out

the word of life. (Philippians 2:13-16a)

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Dolphin Knows Best!

Read Joshua 23:6-11

16 year-old Brandon Banks and the rest of the residents of the Newfoundland village of Seal Cove had gone to bed with the wailing sounds of 5 dolphins in the ice of the harbor. The village is about 4 hours drive from the town of my birth. The dolphins found themselves trapped in a restricted inlet and they were swimming around in a small open area that getting smaller and smaller as the ice closed in. The story was reported on February 19/09 in the Globe & Mail newspaper.

Dolphins are among God’s most amazing and intelligent creatures. I know that from my own experience with them in the North Atlantic. Eventually, Brandon and his friends decided that they would attempt a rescue with the use of a local small boat with an outboard motor. By this time only three dolphins remained. But, the goal was to break up enough ice so that the dolphins could swim free. Finally, two of the dolphins followed the boat and then headed to freedom in the open sea.

But, one dolphin seemed too tired or weak to join the others. Brandon jumped into the icy water (in a “red dry suit”) and tried to keep the 180 kilogram dolphin above water using his legs. What happened next is amazing! Seal cove Mayor Winston May told Canadian Press that “the dolphin just kind of attached to (Brandon) and wrapped his flippers around him, more or less like a friend or mate!” Brandon attached a rope around the dolphin and then to the boat. Once they slowly reached the point of open sea, the dolphin was released and swam away to freedom!

What an illustration of Biblical truth! Destructive influences – false “gods”, popular beliefs, twisted use of the internet and bad video games – all can close in on us like winter ice. Slowly but surely, various forms of sin can choke us off from the true freedom that is experienced only in unhindered fellowship with God. Heed the advice given to the people of Israel before the first advent of Jesus. They were encouraged to feed on the Word of God, to walk daily in God’s way and to resist the evil nations around them. Then, Joshua counseled the people and their leaders:

But you are to HOLD FAST to the Lord your God, as you have

until now. The Lord has driven out before you great and powerful

nations; to this day no one has been able to withstand you. One of

you (defeats) a thousand, because the Lord your God fights for you,

just as he promised. So be careful to love the Lord your God. (23:8-11, NIV)

As the dolphin held onto Brandon with his flippers, hold fast to God so that you can “swim” daily in real freedom and joy in the “open waters” of God’s Kingdom. You can do whatever God calls you to do and draw others to faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus. Learn from the dolphin’s behavior because in this case the dolphin knew best! Hold firmly to THE ONE who can give you life now and always.