Read: 2 Corinthians 5:17; Colossians 3:15-17
The butterfly is nature’s most visible illustration of rebirth.
Once drab and earthbound as a caterpillar, the butterfly
emerges from its cocoon in beautiful radiant colors, soaring
upward into the sky.
Charles Colson introduced his own spiritual rebirth with the above words. Think of it. If you looked intently on a caterpillar, you would never expect that this lowly crawler would soon be transformed to soar up to new heights and brighten our world with the amazing colors that emanate from the creative mind of God!
You may find yourself usually thinking about very ordinary earthbound things at this moment. But, the Bible says that God has a plan for you – not to struggle like a caterpillar in the striving for fulfillment in daily existence but to soar like the butterfly. God wants you to realize that when you place your complete trust in Jesus for salvation, life, and lasting peace, you receive the ability and the right to live as a citizen of Heaven (Philippians
In this constantly changing world, you should dare to be different. Don’t let the perception of society and popular culture keep you grounded. Fix your eyes on God and live on a higher level like the butterfly. Draw upon the amazing grace of God and keep asking God to help you see His Divine perspective on everything. God is the God of new beginnings – a creator of beauty. Spread your wings and show colors of His radiant grace to the world.
…if anyone is in (Jesus) Christ, he (or she) is a new creation
the old has gone , the new has come. All this is from God…
(2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV)
Spread your wings and fly (live) above ordinary circumstances. Don’t focus on the economy. Enter into the intimate presence of God and rejoice in God regardless of what comes your way any day. This is exactly how a Hebrew prophet, Habakkuk responded to the economic, social and spiritual conditions of his time (Habakkuk
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