Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Pacemaker From Heaven

Read Psalm 23

Millions of people suffer from CRF or chronic renal failure. This disease eventually causes the kidneys to deteriorate – ultimately requiring the need for dialysis or a kidney transplant. The first solution is very costly and the second is often not available for the average sufferer. What then, can be done?

Enter NEPHERA, a company in Israel that has invented a “pacemaker for the kidney”. Amazingly, Nephera has produced an “implant based on a small pump” that enables dying kidneys to continue receiving and expelling blood so that toxins can be removed from the body. According to Karen Kloosterman (www.israel21c.org), “it works by creating a negative pressure around the kidney (a vacuum effect), causing an increase in renal blood flow. This has a therapeutic effect on a diseased kidney.” After 3 years of clinical trials, the implant should be available beginning in Europe.

Praise God! He has provided His own pacemaker for our daily living! Psalm 23 is so deeply and spiritually rich; it is only possible to touch upon a tiny portion of it. The first line of Psalm 23 reminds me that “the Lord” sets the pace for my life. Everything flows from the Lord – the very first words of the Psalm. Someone has changed the first phrase to read: “The Lord is my pacesetter…”. We are often too inactive or too hyper-active. Like a disease, our extreme imbalances in life begins to restrict the spiritual blood flow in our lives causing a shorter living span or unnecessary trials that prevent our receiving the fullness of life in God (see also Psalm 16:11).

The word “shepherd” is one of the most intimate terms in all of the Psalms. The Shepherd means everything to the sheep. There is a close intimate relationship implied here. Like the sheep, you and I can live in fulfillment and at the right pace if we closely and consistently follow our shepherd who sacrificed His all for our sakes. Look carefully at the words in verses 2a, 3:

“He makes me lie down in green pastures,

He leads me beside quiet waters,

He restores my soul,

He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”

The words – makes – leads – restores – guides – all describe the work of God to provide the right pace or balance in our lives if we will passionately and fully follow Jesus, “that great Shepherd of the Sheep” (Hebrews13:20). The word “soul” refers to all of your life.

Let your life be extended and renewed by the enabling power of “the pacemaker from Heaven”.

REFLECT: What can you do to deepen your love relationship with your Shepherd?

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